Feng Shui Methods to Help Sell

The steps to selling your home include price, ‘show’ ready, and availability of mortgage opportunities. However, one of the best ways to sell your home no matter what the asking price is proving your home is a wanted commodity. Be a potential buyer when selling your home and ask: is my home a place of refuge or a place of comfort? A place someone else would find desirable? Feng Shui methods can help you with the ambiance and attitude of your home.

  • Make sure your home is clean! Clear counters, shelves and dressers of clutter. Have a specific eye catching motif in each room. Engage the senses of potential buyers. Turn on ceiling fans and make sure mirrors are not opposite the doors. Play soft music or have a fountain near the front door. Engage the senses. Use cinnamon or pine scents to keep your home smelling great. These scents tend to bring on a feeling of comfort.
  • Make sure your front door is immaculate and that there are pots of flowers, decorations or items to draw attention to the opening of your home. Keep the sidewalk and stairs free of plant material, debris, and disorder.
  • Remove extra furniture and clutter from your rooms. The buyer does not want to see your decorations, they want to visualize the size of the room and where they might place their belongings.
  • Place your “for sale” sign to the right of the door. This is the energetic side of your home.
  • Engage a table on the right side in the foyer or front room of your home. Place a vase of flowers or business cards on this table. Use a red tablecloth or decorative material.
  • Ensure that the kitchen is clean and clear as well as organized. Pantries should be organized; wastebaskets and knives out of sight and a jar of cookies should be placed invitingly on the counter.
  • Spruce up your yard and clear away all dead debris. Nothing is more depressing than a dying yard. Prune, trim, and week to make sure your home is appealing.
  • Keep bathroom doors shut. Keep toilet lids down and bathrooms extremely clean and sweet smelling.

Feng Shui dictates that a home should be move-in ready, but at the same time a show place to prove what can be done in this home. The best advice is to make sure your home for sale is clean, uncluttered, soothing and bright.

Seek more Feng Shui tips and advice by searching online article directories like EzineArticles and GoArticles. Also check for helpful YouTube education videos on the topic and checking out library books on Feng Shui (hint: ask the reference librarian for help).

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